Tuesday, April 03, 2007

So as many of you guys know I'm getting married in July. I was doing the good groom to be job and added stuff that I was asked to the registry. I desided to take a look at our current registry to make sure I didn't add stuff twice. So I go to the Target Registry and Search under Groom and my name. Low and behold 19 results came back. Yes there are 18 of me getting married next year. On May 5 and April 27 I'm getting married 3 times in 3 states. I didn't think that my name was one of those usaul name that people have, but I geuss 19 other people in 2007 have stepped in to take the plunge.


DK said...

Oh. If the $8000 in Target presents we got you don't arrive - that's probably why.

Ash said...

Yay - A wedding post! More please!

Does Bri know you are going to marry 18 other women? I think that might make her kinda mad. ;)